- 國立政治大學外文中心助理教授
- 國立台灣大學外國語文學系專案講師/專案助理教授
- 靜宜大學英國語文學系兼任講師
- 靜宜大學推廣部兼任講師
- 國立台中技術學院(現國立台中科技大學)附設專科進修學校兼任講師
- 大葉大學英語學系兼任講師
- 國立中正大學外國語文學系兼任講師
- 國立虎尾技術學院共同科外文組兼任講師
- 建國技術學院應用外語科兼任講師
- 文化大學英國語文學系兼任講師
- 台中紅林鞋業股份有限公司英文教師
- 環球村美日語英文教師
Chiang, I. N. (2018). How Different Are Students in Compulsory and Elective English Courses? Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(10), 2069-2076.
Chiang, I. N. (2018). How Effective Can Additive Assigned Extracurricular Reading Be? More Good News. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6(5), 197-205.
Chiang, I. N. (2018). Principles for Deep Knowledge and its Relationships with Integrative Orientation, Motivational Intensity and English Learning Achievement. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6(5), 219-227.
Chiang, I. N. (2018). Autonomous Learning and Principles for Deep Knowledge. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6(1), 27-34.
Chiang, I. N. (2017). GEPT Gains Using Extra-Curricular English Reading. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 4(4), 41-54.
Chiang, I. N. (2016). Reading Habits, Language Learning Achievements and Principles for Deep Knowledge. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 4(3), 203-212.
Chiang, I. N. (2015). A New Interpretation of English Reading Activities: The Implementation of the Principles of Deep Knowledge. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 2(4), 152-161.
Chiang, I. N. (2014). Extra-Curricular Reading in Taiwan. Asian EFL Journal Professional Teaching Articles, 80, 4-33. (Scopus)
Chiang, I. N. (accepted). Gauging The Power of Extracurricular Reading, The 5th World Congress on Extensive Reading, National Feng Chia University, Taiwan.
Chiang, I. N. (2015.10.24). Novel Reading in a College English Course: via the Example of The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The 12th Annual Wenshan International Conference, National Chengchi University.
Chiang, I. N. (2014.1.30). Extra-curricular reading in Taiwan, The 10th Asian EFL Journal International Conference, The Asian EFL Journal, Philippine.
Chiang, I. N. (2012.10.20). Extra-curricular input via extensive reading at the tertiary level, The sixth conference on College English, Foreign Language Center, National Chengchi University, Taipei.
蔣宜卿 (2011.12.17). 深度智慧原理與語言學習,2011中華民國習慣領域學會第十九屆習慣領域學術與應用研討會論文集,中華民國習慣領域學會及國立中興大學,台中。
Chiang, I. N. (2008.07). Do parents and children read happily ever after? The 3rd Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Newcastle University, UK.
Chiang, I. N. (2007.04). Can parents help provide after-school EFL input? IATEFL, Aberdeen, UK.
Chiang, I. N. (2007.02). Can parents help their children read extensively. TeMoLaYoLe conference, University of Pecs, Hungary.
Chiang, I. N. (2005.03). Reading together: parents and children. 24th National Conference for Teachers of English. British Council, Italy
蔣宜卿 (2017.08) 閱讀與文化探索:大學英文課程中讀本及小說之運用。教文化、跨文化:大學英文課裡的多元文化教學,政大出版社,第189-219頁。
蔣宜卿 (2013.12.07). 記憶與習慣:語言學習的應用。第二十一屆社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會暨習慣領域學術與應用研討會。台中:習慣領域學會。
Chiang, I. N. (2013.10.16). Extra-curricular reading habits of Taiwanese students. Miao County and the Jay School Corporation. Indiana, USA.